Chichén Itzá | Palenque | Teotihuacán | Uxmal | Oaxaca Valley | Mayas and Aztecs gods


Located in full tropical jungle, in the peninsula of Yucatán, this city knew its apogee thanks to the Mayas of 7th to 10th century. It is indeed a great site which requires approximately 3 visiting times to be appreciated by the touristes. Effectivately, as of the input, the Pyramid of the Soothsayer ( Pirámide del Adivino ) is essential with his 28 meters height and its steepslope which makes the rise difficult. Once the node reached, you will discover a unspoilable view on the Quadrilateral of the Nuns (Cuadrángulo of mow Monjas ). This one is composed of acentral court surrounded by four buildings in which one discovers manyparts. Crossed once the court of the play of bowl, you arrive at the Palace of the Governor ( Palacio del Gobernador ), 98meters length construction on hardly 3,50 meters broad, raised by a full platform decorated by an immense panel with planks, whose splendour makes it possible to regard the Palace of the Governor asone of the most majestic buildings of all the Mesoamerica. Uxmal is still made up of many buildings which deserve to be visited. The evening, a marvellous "sound and lights" spectacle, with which it gives again all the magnificience with this site and emphasizes all the Mayas buildings.

General sight of the site with the play of bowl in front of, the Quadrilateral of the Nuns behind and the Pyramid of the Soothsayeron the right


The Pyramid of the Soothsayer


The Nunnery Quadrangle


The pyramid of the Soothsayer seen with another angle

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Chichén Itzá | Palenque | Teotihuacán | Uxmal | Oaxaca Valley | Mayas and Aztecs gods