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Oaxaca Valley

Many civilizations lived in this valley. First of all, it had Zapotecs who lived on the site of Monte Albán in the IVth to the VIIth century, but Mixtecs made the war and thus seized the city Zapotèques left towards Mitla . Monte Albán is located at 10km of Oaxaca, in the mountains at 2000 meters of altitude. Ruins are in the area of Oaxaca, in the east of the country where lived the Aztec ones before creating Tenochtitlán. They practiced there the game of bowl which was a play very known by the Aztec ones: one had to play only with the shoulders, the hips as well as the head with a rubber ball. The goal of the play was to make pass the ball in a ring hones of them the most possible once. Gaining or the loser was sacrificed according to civilizations'. (It was either an honor, or a sorrow)

Ruins of Monte Albán


Other ruins of Monte Albán


A court of the play of bowl

(c) Sander Zwart


Ruins of Yagul (in the valley of Oaxaca)

(c) Sander Zwart

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